
We found 3 courses available for you

Mobile App Development with Ionic Framework

21.5 hours
3 Lessons

 The Ionic framework is an open source library of mobile-optimized …

What you'll learn
The basics of the technology
Background behind the technology.
The advantages of mobile apps
Cover basics as well as advanced concepts and technologies.

Organizational Leadership Specialization

9.8 hours

Equip yourself to successfully lead organizations through clarity of purpose …

What you'll learn
Explore how great leaders assess themselves and lead collaborative teams that effectively manage negotiations and conflict.
Discover how leaders communicate through storytelling and employ other communication strategies to influence.
Learn how organizations start with the clarity of purpose that comes from an understanding of customers’ needs, including leveraging data analytics, and use that focus to drive the design of products and services to meet those needs effectively.
Create a capstone project that allows them to apply what they have learned.

Overview of Excercise

18 hours

Learners who complete Overview of Excercise will have an improved …

What you'll learn
Skill you will gain: training, fitness and nutrition, public health.
Know the various metabolic pathways that are activated in order to supply the necessary energy required for the mechanical work of skeletal muscles during exercise
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